
Michael NymanUP:2021-06-02


Michael Laurence Nyman, CBE (born 23 March 1944) is an English composer of minimalist music, pianist, librettist and musicologist, known for numerous film scores (many written during his lengthy collaboration with the filmmaker Peter Greenaway), and his multi-platinum soundtrack album to Jane Campion's The Piano. He has written a number of operas, including The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat; Letters, Riddles and Writs; Noises, Sounds & Sweet Airs; Facing Goya; Man and Boy: Dada; Love Counts; and Sparkie: Cage and Beyond. He has written six concerti, five string quartets, and many other chamber works, many for his Michael Nyman Band. He is also a performing pianist. Nyman prefers to write opera rather than other forms of music.[1]


  • 金球奖金球奖提名3次
  • 英国电影学院奖英国电影学院奖提名4次
  • 土星奖土星奖提名2次
  • 第57届-最佳电影音乐(提名)《爱到尽头》2000
  • 第55届-最佳电影音乐(提名)《千钧一发》1997 / 饰:音乐
  • 第51届-最佳电影音乐(提名)《钢琴课》1993 / 饰:配音Voice
  • 第53届-Anthony Asquith Award for Film Music(提名)《爱到尽头》2000
  • 第53届-最佳原创配乐(提名)《爱到尽头》2000
  • 第47届-BAFTA Film Award —— Best Score(提名)《钢琴课》1993 / 饰:配音Voice
  • 第47届-最佳原创配乐(提名)《钢琴课》1993 / 饰:配音Voice
  • 第26届-最佳配乐(提名)《战地恶魔》1999
  • 第24届-最佳配乐(提名)《千钧一发》1997 / 饰:音乐


    • 别名:Michael Laurence Nyman
    • 出生日期:1944-03-23
    • 出生地:英国,伦敦
    • 身份:演员 | 编剧 | 制片人
    • 性别:
    • 星座:白羊座