Lili TaylorUP:2022-01-13
莉莉·泰勒,Nick Flynn (born January 26, 1960) is an American writer, playwright, and poet. His most recent publication is The Reenactments,[1][2] which chronicles Flynn's experience during the making of Being Flynn, a film based on his acclaimed 2004 memoir, Another Bullshit Night in Suck City.[3][4] Flynn is also the author of three collections of poetry, including Some Ether, which won the inaugural PEN/Joyce Osterweil Award for Poetry in 1999, and was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize.
- 第50届-沃尔皮杯-最佳群像表演
- 第50届-沃尔皮杯-最佳群像表演
- 第13届-Special Jury Prize《我杀了安迪·沃霍尔》1996 / 饰:ValerieJeanSolanas
- 第68届-限定剧集或电视电影最佳女主角(提名)《美国重案第一季》2015 / 饰:AnneBlaine
- 第68届-限定剧集或电视电影最佳女主角(提名)《美国重案第二季》2016
- 第54届-剧情剧集最佳客串女演员(提名)《六尺之下》2001 / 饰:LisaKimmelFisher
- 第50届-剧情剧集最佳客串女演员(提名)
- 第12届-最佳女配角(提名)《少女城》1996 / 饰:PattiLucci
- 第11届-最佳女主角(提名)《夜瘾》1995 / 饰:KathleenConklin
- 第9届-最佳女配角《温馨点心》1993 / 饰:TeresaCarmelaSantangelo
- 第7届-最佳女主角(提名)《光明天使》1991 / 饰:Lucy
- 第10届-剧情剧集最佳群戏《六尺之下》2001 / 饰:LisaKimmelFisher