Kay LenzUP:2021-05-11
凯伊·兰兹,Kay came from an L.A. showbiz family. Her father was producer/commentator Ted Lenz and her mother model/radio engineer Kay Miller Lenz. At the ripe old age of eight weeks, Kay appeared on her first TV show produced by her dad as a baby being held up and sung to. She continued on in her father's TV shows and commercials throughout her childhood.
- 第31届-最佳女新人(提名)《春花秋月未了情》1974 / 饰:EdithAliceBreezerman('Breezy')
- 第45届-剧情剧集最佳女配角(提名)《哑女检察官》1991 / 饰:MaggieZombro
- 第44届-剧情剧集最佳女配角(提名)《哑女检察官》1991 / 饰:MaggieZombro
- 第42届-剧情剧集最佳客串女演员(提名)《夜鹰热线》1988 / 饰:TinaCassidy,3episodes,1988-1990,/...
- 第41届-剧情剧集最佳客串女演员《夜鹰热线》1988 / 饰:TinaCassidy,3episodes,1988-1990,/...
- 第28届-Outstanding Single Performance by a Supporting Actress in Comedy or Drama Series(提名)《悲歌岁月》1976
- 第14届-最佳女配角(提名)《夜半鬼敲门》1985 / 饰:Sandy