
Rosa von PraunheimUP:2021-10-28


罗萨·冯·布劳恩海姆,Rosa von Praunheim (born 25 November 1942) is a German film director, author, painter and one of the most famous gay rights activists in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.[1] In over 50 years, von Praunheim has made more than 150 films (short and feature-length films). His works influenced the development of LGBTQ rights movements worldwide. He began his career associated to the New German Cinema as a senior member of the Berlin school of underground filmmaking. He took the artistic female name Rosa von Praunheim to remind people of the pink triangle that homosexuals had to wear in Nazi concentration camps, as well as the Frankfurt neighborhood of Praunheim where he grew up.[2] A pioneer of Queer Cinema, von Praunheim has been an activist in the gay rights movement.[3] He was an early advocate of AIDS awareness and safer sex, but has been a controversial figure even within the gay community. His films center on gay-related themes and strong female characters, are characterized by excess and employ a campy style. They have featured such personalities as Diamanda Galás, Jayne County, Vaginal Davis, Divine, Jeff Stryker and a row of Warhol superstars.


  • 柏林国际电影节柏林国际电影节获奖3次 , 提名1次
  • 洛迦诺国际电影节洛迦诺国际电影节提名1次
  • 鹿特丹国际电影节鹿特丹国际电影节获奖1次
  • 华沙电影节华沙电影节提名1次
  • 第65届-Panorama Audience Award —— Fiction Film(提名)《暴力的爱》2015
  • 第63届-柏林金摄影机奖
  • 第40届-泰迪熊奖-最佳电影《沉默等于死亡》1990
  • 第40届-泰迪熊奖-最佳电影《屁股底下的火焰:柏林男同性恋的生与死》1990
  • 第52届-Golden Leopard(提名)《男极圈》2000
  • 第11届-国际影评人费卡西奖《我是我自己的女人》1992
  • 第24届-最佳纪录片(提名)《纽约记忆》2010 / 饰:Himself


    • 别名:Holger Bernhard Bruno Mischwitzky
    • 出生日期:1942-11-25
    • 出生地:拉脱维亚,里加
    • 身份:导演 | 编剧 | 制片人 | 演员 | 剪辑师
    • 性别:
    • 星座:射手座