Rob NilssonUP:2021-09-09
罗布·尼尔森,Rob Nilsson is an independent director, based in San Francisco. Nilsson and co-director John Hanson won the Camera d'Or at Cannes for Northern Lights (1978) and Nilsson won the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival for Heat and Sunlight (1987). He is the first American film director to have won both awards.
- 第32届-金摄影机奖《北极光》1978
- 第31届-金摄影机奖《北极光》1978
- 第5届-评审团大奖-美国剧情片《阳光热力》1988 / 饰:MelHurley
- 第49届-Golden Leopard(提名)《擦粉》2000