Larry PeerceUP:2021-02-11
拉里·皮尔斯,Larry Peerce was born in 1930 in Bronx, New York, to the later Metropolitan Opera tenor Jan Peerce and his wife, Alice. Peerce's directorial career stretched from 1964 to 2001, embraced different genres and generated different results. In the 1960s it seemed as if Peerce would become a major filmmaker.
- 第17届-主竞赛单元(提名)《天伦泪》1964
- 第9届-Critics Grand Prize —— Special Award《血染夜行车》1967
- 第9届-Best Film —— International Competition(提名)《血染夜行车》1967
- 第22届-最佳电影导演(提名)《花落遗恨天》1969